The Institute for the Protection, Promotion and Preservation of the Origin of Agrifood and Wine Products Made in Italy intends to provide information on the methods of processing of personal data acquired for the purpose of presenting and managing the association application and information questionnaire.
Purpose of the processing and legal basis
The data provided will be processed on the basis of the legal conditions for processing and exclusively for the purposes that include:
the preliminary, administrative and merit phases of the questions, including checks on the statements made,
analysis in order to compile internal statistics,
the activities aimed at pursuing their purpose as described in Article 2 of the Articles of Association,
marketing activities carried out through the sending of promotional and informative material.
Mandatory data provision
The provision of personal data is an indispensable prerequisite for carrying out in particular reference to the presentation of the application form and the correct administrative and correspondence management as well as for purposes strictly connected to the fulfillment of legal, accounting and tax obligations. Failure to provide such data will result in the impossibility of obtaining what has been requested and / or the granting of any benefit deriving from the association.
Authorized subjects for treatment, methods of treatment, communication and dissemination
The acquired data will be processed, as well as by specifically authorized individuals. The data will be collected, used and processed using manual, IT and telematic methods according to principles of correctness and lawfulness and adopting specific security measures to prevent the loss of data, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access. Some data may be disclosed to Public Bodies and Control Authorities when verifying the declarations made, and subject to disclosure by publication in fulfillment of the transparency obligations. The Institute's obligation to communicate the data to the Judicial Authority remains valid, whenever a specific request is sent in this regard.
Period of conservation
The acquired data will be kept for the period of time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected and processed.
Rights of interested parties
The subjects to whom the personal data refer have the right at any time to:
ask the Data Controller for access to personal data, rectification, integration, deletion of the same (if compatible with storage obligations), limitation of the processing of data concerning him or to oppose the processing of the same if the conditions laid down by the GDPR are met;
exercise the rights set out above by sending an e-mail to info@madeinitaly.center with appropriate communication;
propose a complaint to the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, pursuant to art. 77 of the GDPR, following the steps and the indications published on the official website of the Authority: www.garanteprivacy.it.
Owner, Data Protection Officer and related contact details
The data controller is the Institute for the Protection, Promotion and Preservation of Made in Italy agri-food and wine products based in Perugia, Via S. Margherita n. 8 / A, which has designated the President of the Board of Directors as Data Protection Manager (DPO), who can be contacted at the following e-mail address: info@madeinitaly.center.